
In order to uninstall/remove InoLink solution from your environment, you first need to remove/delete your Accounting Company from CRM.

Given below are the steps to remove Accounting Company from CRM.

Step 1:

Unlink all Account, Contact, and Product records.

  • Navigate to entity --> Select view 'Linked ‘Entity Name' --> Select all records --> Click on UnLink button.

    Example: For Account entity, Navigate to Account Entity --> Linked Accounts --> Select Records --> UnLink.

  • After you’ve unlinked all Account, Contact, and Product records, follow step 2.

Step 2:

  • Navigate to My Apps --> InoLink – QB – Hub --> Change Area Settings --> InoLink Settings --> InoLink Settings.

  • Click on QuickBooks in InoLink Settings page --> Select your company --> Click on remove button --> a confirmation dialogue would open --> Click on Yes to remove the Accounting Company from CRM.

  • Once the Accounting Company is successfully deleted (a success popup message will appear), follow Step 3.

Step 3:

  • Navigate to Settings --> Solutions --> Select InoLink solution.

  • Click on the delete button. A pop-up will appear asking for your confirmation. Click on OK and the solution will be uninstalled from your environment.

For further queries, reach out to us at crm@inogic.com

Last updated