Attachable Reports

The word template defined in the Attachable Reports will be used as email attachment in the reminder mails.

How to Create Attachable Reports:

  • Navigate to Subscription and Recurring Billing Management App --> Others --> Attachable Reports --> Click on ‘+New’ button.

  • Enter details in the necessary fields.

    • Name: Any appropriate name for the Report.

    • Select Template: Select a template from the list of word templates present in CRM.

    • Attachment Name Option: Option to set the name of the output file to a Constant value or Dynamic value.

    • Attachment Name: If Constant is selected for the Attachment Name Option, then the value that is entered in this field is used as the name of the Attachment. If it is Dynamic, then the value of the Invoice/Order field whose logical name is provided inside the {} is used as the name of the Attachment. Correct logical name of the field has to be entered in {} for dynamic option to work correctly.

  • Click on Save.

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