Register Resource Provider
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To register the resource provider, follow the below process:
Microsoft Communication:
Go to your Microsoft Azure account and navigate to “Subscription”.
Select your subscription name as given below:
Navigate to left panel and click on “Resource Providers”
Navigate to search bar and select the “Microsoft Communication”
Now, click on the “Register” button.
Once the registration is under process it will show pop up as shown in below image:
Once registration process is done, status will be updated as “Registered”.
Microsoft Storage:
Go to your Microsoft Azure account and navigate to “Subscription”.
Select your subscription name as given below:
Navigate to leftthe panel and click on “Resource Providers”
Navigate to search bar and select the “Microsoft Storage”
Now, click on the “Register” button.
Once the registration is under process it will show pop up as shown in below image:
Once the registration process is done, the status will be updated as “Registered”.