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Get notified of sales alerts in Dynamics 365 CRM, and access your notifications from anywhere within CRM using Alerts4Dynamics! To explore more, download a 15-day trial of this notification app from our website or Microsoft AppSource.
Every alert message is shown to the users as Notifications. The Notifications button is on the ribbon and can be accessed from anywhere in the CRM.
Whenever there is a new notification, a red dot comes on the Notication button. Once the notification is read, this Red dot disappears.
Notifications can be seen by clicking on the Notification button.
Notifications can be dismissed at any time. There are two ways to dismiss Notifications:
Dismiss Alerts individually: Every alert can be dismissed individually by clicking on cross icon next to it.
Dismiss all Alerts at once: All the alerts can be dismissed at once by clicking on Dismiss All button.
If user sets ‘Is Dismissible’ field as ‘Yes’ then the alert can be dismissed. In this case, ‘X’ button will continue showing up on the alert notification indicating that the alert notification is dismissible.
If user sets ‘Is Dismissible’ field as ‘No’ then the alert cannot be dismissed. In this case, ‘X’ button will not be displayed on the alert notification indicating that the alert notification is non-dismissible.
By default the value of the field ‘Is Dismissible’ will be ‘Yes’
Despite setting dismissible as ‘No’, alert will still be dismissed if the respective notification is deactivated or the ‘Display until’ date of the alert message is already passed
You can see the log of Read/Dismissed Notifications in the Notification tab.
Just go to Alerts4Dynamics App --> Alerts --> Select Alert --> Select Message --> Notification Tab --> Select Notification and you can view the status.
Note: Only Alerts4Dynamics Administrator, Alerts4Dynamics Manager and System Administrator can see Log of Alert Notifications in Dynamics 365 CRM.
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