Entity Configuration
Entity configuration enables users to manage and store documents/attachments related to entity records in all three cloud storage with the help of the Attach2Dynamics button.
For ‘Entity Configuration Entity’ go to Attach2Dynamics app --> Entity Configuration.
Entity Configurations can be created from the Connector form too, just click on the Entity Configuration Tab on the Connector page.
General Tab
Connector: Select the Connector (SharePoint, Dropbox, or Azure Blob Storage) for which you want to configure the Entity.
Entity Name: Mention the Entity for which you are configuring.
Attachment Action: You can either Copy or Move the attachment.
Copy: If you Select Copy, the attachment will be copied to respective cloud storage, and its cloud storage path will be stored against the record along with the original attachment in the Dynamics 365 CRM.
Move: If you Select Move, the attachment will be moved/migrated out of Dynamics 365 CRM to the respective cloud storage, and its cloud storage path will be stored against the record.
None Selected: If you don’t select any option, then the Attachment will not be moved to the respective cloud storage, but you will still be able to use the Attach2Dynamics document management UI for the respective entity.
Override files: If checked, it means trying to upload a file with the same name will be overridden. If unchecked, then a new file with a timestamp will get added and uploaded to the respective cloud storage.
Note: In the case of Azure storage, the override file will only work if the document content has been modified.
Email Configuration:
The next is the Email Configuration tab. With this tab, you can send the documents as attachments/links through email to the required recipients. You can set this tab as shown in the below screenshot.
From – The sender, i.e. the person who sends the email
To – recipient, i.e. the person to whom the email is to be sent
CC – copy, i.e., the person to whom a copy of the email information is to be sent.
BCC – Blind Carbon Copy, i.e. the person you have kept in the loop and do not want the other recipients to see that particular contact.
Types of Email addresses to select
Users – If you select Users, then all the CRM users present in the environment will be enlisted while selecting the data.
Queue – If you select Queue, then all the queues present in the environment will be enlisted while selecting the data.
Team – If you select Team, then all the teams created in the environment will be enlisted while selecting the data.
Dynamics e.g. If you have selected a quote as an entity, then all the lookup fields on the quote that are allowed to send email will be enlisted while selecting the data.
Manager, e.g. If you have selected a quote as an entity, then all the system-user lookup fields on the quote entity will be enlisted while selecting the data, and the recipient would be the manager of the selected data.
Similarly, you can configure entities for DropBox and Azure Blob Storage.
Folder Path Schema: This field is visible only for DropBox and Azure Blob Storage. It is auto-populated depending upon the entity selected.
To set the value on Folder Path Schema:
Create a new column under the Entity you want to Configure.
The new column should be a single line of text.
Set the maximum length of the column as 4000.
Selected column should not be primary column (we suggest custom column because we store path of record in this column).
1) To use Attach2Dynamics functionalities on an Entity it is mandatory that you create an Entity Configuration record for the same. Without an Entity Configuration record Attach2Dynamics button will not be displayed for the respective Entity.
2) Connector and Entity Configuration are editable if the user has a System Administrator or Attach2Dynamics Administrator role.
3) Attach2Dynamics User can only read the Connector and Entity Configuration.
4) Also, in order to configure an entity with a SharePoint connector we need to enable SharePoint for that entity.
5) Entities like Product, Sales Literature & Competitor which are Organizational level entities can be configured only in Classic User Interface.
For any queries, reach out to us at crm@inogic.com
Last updated